The moviment d'auto-promoted on the People with disabilities

In 1997 it was created with the intention and support of Aura Foundation to open a space where participants can debate and defend their rights, their interests. «Self-management represent the word, the values, the rupture of silence and one of the beginnings of equality for people with disabilities».
Self representation and mutual help among peers following the Canadian model "Self-advocacy" of the first PEOPLE FIRST PEOPLE (first people) The members of EL CLUB act as representatives of all the participants of AURA FOUNDATION claiming their rights and helping their classmates.
The self-promotion movement on People with disabilities, in basic terms, is to be able to speak for themselves.
This means that although a person with disabilities can resort to the support of others, the individual has the right to decide for himself and to have control over his own resources.
It is about having the right to make life decisions without the undue influence or control of others. It has been shown that people with intellectual disabilities are often some of the most impotent members of society.
With the support of Barcelona City Council
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